hp's personal photo blog

Monday, March 21, 2005

BRIGHTON, East Sussex, UK

Click to the title to see the location on the map.

We had very strange weather in Brighton. There was no cloud at all, but because of the haze coming from the sea the eyesight was only about 100 meters (109.36133 yards). You will see it on the pictures (by not seeing too much interesting on some of them. :-)

The Royal Pavilion (it is far enough from the sea not to have haze)

Walking in Brighton

Brighton Pier (in haze :-)

Sea-gull on the Pier

The coast from the Pier (in haze:-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Milyen erdekes epulet ez a Royal Pavillion..
A siraly milyen messze volt? (az erdekel, mennyit kellett zoomolnod egy ilyen szep, reszletes kepert)


3/23/2005 3:06 AM

Blogger hoborp said...

Nem volt messze, de azért teljesen ki voltam zoomolva 28.8 mm (35 mm equivalent: 144 mm). Viszont emiatt a kép nincsen vágva, szóval megvan 2313x1735-ös felbontásban is :-) Kicsit világosítva jobb lenne, mert a szembefény miatt a madár sötétebb a kelleténél.

4/04/2005 1:37 AM


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